RAOB upgrade Discounts & Links ...
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RAOB Upgrade Discounts: 

Each RAOB program comes with free software updates until the next program release.  New program enhancements are released nearly every year.  RAOB owners automatically receive a free upgrade to the next program enhancement with decreasing discounts over the next 4 enhancement cycles as listed below.  These upgrade costs are necessary to cover the continuous addition of new program functions and features, where each year's major program additions are listed on the Features page.  The below discount table shows an example initial purchase of the RAOB 6.4 program and the relative cost to upgrade to newer versions ...   

-  For example, if you initially purchased the RAOB 6.4 program, then you can ...
-  Upgrade to v6.5 for free (a 100% discount).
-  Upgrade to v6.6 at a 75% discount off list prices of purchased program configuration.
-  Upgrade to v6.7 at a 50% discount off list prices of purchased program configuration.
-  Upgrade to v6.8 at a 25% discount off list prices of purchased program configuration.
-  Upgrade to v6.9 at a 10% discount off list prices of purchased program configuration.

Once a RAOB upgrade purchase is made, the above discount cycle starts over again with a free upgrade to the follow-on release.  For those who have made a RAOB purchase, the below table provides links for the free program upgrades...

RAOB Upgrade Links: 

If you last purchased RAOB 6.9   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 7.0   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.8   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.9   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.7   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.8   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.6   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.7   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.5   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.6   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.4   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.5   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.3   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.4   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates. 
If you last purchased RAOB 6.2   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.3   -   this download link always includes the latest software updates.
If you last purchased RAOB 6.1   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.2   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes.
If you last purchased RAOB 6.0   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.1   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes. 
If you last purchased RAOB 5.9   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 6.0   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes. 
If you last purchased RAOB 5.8   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 5.9   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes. 
If you last purchased RAOB 5.7   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 5.8   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes.     
If you last purchased RAOB 5.6   -   Free upgrade to RAOB 5.7   -   then use RAOB's Help menu's "Update" option to obtain latest changes.     
Upgrade links for older RAOB programs are no longer listed.  Contact ERS for assistance.

Special Student Discounts are available upon request.

Special Veteran Discounts are available upon request.

Upgrade Note.  Those RAOB customers who want to obtain an upgrade beyond their free upgrade version, just contact ERS for a quote.  Along with your request, please provide your RAOB serial number which can be found from the Help menu's "About RAOB..." screen.

General Note.  The RAOB Program is typically upgraded every year, with monthly updates as needed.  Program upgrade and update notices are distributed to RAOB users and friends via the monthly RAOB Newsletter.

The above upgrade table discounts can change at any time.

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