RAOB Friends & Users:                                         November 2017      


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For RAOB 6.7 users. This is the last update for the RAOB 6.7 program, because the new RAOB 6.8 program is now the official distribution edition.  You can download this last v6.7 update at any time using RAOB's Help menu (RAOB Program Updates) for the download link, or just use this direct link.


RAOB Program News.  With the release of the new RAOB 6.8 program, many new and improved features are now availableAll those eligible for a free v6.8 upgrade or those eligible for discounted upgrades were already notified by email.  If you were not notified and you believe that you may be eligible for an upgrade, please contact ERS at wxx@raob.com and provide your RAOB serial number.     


RAOB Annual Awards.  This is the first year of RAOB's Annual Awards program.  RAOB Annual Awards celebrates diversity of the mind and are given to individuals who make significant contributions to the advancement of the RAOB Program through suggested additions and new functions.  Each winner receives a new RAOB Bundled Package.  This year awards go to Andy Devanas, Tim Mathewson, and Gilbert Christoffel.  See details.


RAOB Customer Quote from Stanley, "Best technical support that I have ever had with any software that I have purchased to date."


RAOB Beta.  Standby for future news on the developing RAOB 6.9 Beta program.



Important … If you have program comments or questions, please send them using a separate message to wxx@raob.com