RAOB Friends & Users:                                                        October 2017        

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For RAOB 6.7 users only.  The latest version contains serial numbers beginning with 6767, so if the first 4 digits of your RAOB serial number are less, you should download the latest program update using RAOB's Help menu (RAOB Program Updates) for the download link, or just use this direct link.

RAOB News.  For up-to-date weekly (and even daily) software announcements and great program sale offers, be sure to configure your Facebook for email notifications for the "RAOBProgram" page.   

RAOB Sale.  Special 3-Day, 20% off sale for any RAOB Pre-Bundled Package.

RAOB User Hint.  Remember that you can Add & Delete sounding data points directly on the computer screen by using the Mouse with the CTRL Key.  Left-click to add a data point and Right-click to delete a data point, and then click-&-drag for data adjustments.

RAOB Customer Quote of the Month - from New York City: "Your product is incredible."

RAOB Customer Corner.  RAOB assists with Caribbean Weather studies.

RAOB 6.8 Beta program.  Added a new data decoder for the KSC 50-MHz Doppler Radar Wind Profiler (DRWP).  If you have made a RAOB 6.7 purchase, you are eligible to use the 6.8 Beta program now since you will be eligible for this free upgrade when RAOB 6.8 is released later this year.  If you want to use the RAOB 6.8 Beta program now, or are not sure of your eligibility, just contact wxx@raob.com and provide your RAOB serial number.  See the complete list of RAOB Beta enhancements.

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